
Showing posts from September, 2018

Gnarled tree

Gnarled tree The Gnarled tree is a popular fantasy tree known to dwell on the swampy grounds of Dagobah, a planet in the outer systems in galaxy. Gnarls are non-sentient, unusually giant trees with large twisted roots. The earliest idea about Gnarled tree was conceived by Ralph McQuarrie who thought to imitate Banyan trees with a little fantasy touch. He even correlated the swampy habitats of Gnarled tree with the Banyan tree, which mostly grow in the swampy regions of earth. But the most unusual thing about Gnarled tree was its weird, detachable root called the knobby giant spider that was able to move after separating from the parent tree. The spider later starts gaining nutrition by preying on other living creatures till the moment it gives out eight sharp legs which later forms the roots of another new Gnarled tree. The second featuring in the Star Wars Trilogy i.e. Star Wars: (Episode V) The Empire Strikes Back is where the Gnarled trees madea debut. Jedi Grand Maste...

Mallorn tree

Mallorn tree Mallorn tree (Mellyrn in plural) is a mythical tree known to inhabit the fields of Middle Earth. Mellyrn were believed to be tall and strong trees found on Tol Eressea, Lothlórien, Numenor, and the western lands of Middle-earth. Elves brought Mallorn tree from Tol Eressea with an intention of spreading their culture on lands of Middle Earth. A short description about Mallorn tree from The Fellowship of the Ring is given below: “There are no trees like the trees of that land. For in the autumn their leaves fall not, but turn to gold. Not till the spring comes and the new green opens do they fall, and then the boughs are laden with yellow flowers; and the floor of the wood is golden, and golden is the roof, and its pillars are of silver, for the bark of the trees is smooth and grey.” A sight of a Mallorn tree was truly an elegant experience. It's smooth and silvery grey barks, which used to give a magical glow in nights, with leaves green from top and silvery...

Old Man Willow

Old Man Willow Old Man Willow is a giant tree known to exist in the old forests' of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. It is believed to be an Ent turned into a tree or is possibly a Huorn, though Huorns differed from Old Man Willow in the sense that they were able to uproot themselves and can move when compared to Old Man Willow whose roots were deep and firm into the ground. Old Man Willow was a much frustrated, evil-being known to spread his hatred across the forest against the beings that walked into the forest. He resided deep into the forest and had powers to divert the paths towards him. Old Man Willow has a trait of spell-binding the passer-by through singing. Once spell-bound, the victim gets diverted towards him. Once it discovers the victim in its vicinity it captures them with his moving roots and squeezes them to death. The Hobbits namely Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin once fall prey of Old Man Willow's evil intentions. The incide...

Hangman Tree

Hangman tree   If you are wandering into a temperate forest, then there is a good reason to make yourself aware of the presence of some deadly creatures known to exist in such regions, one of them is Hangman tree, named by a kind of appearance it exhibits. Thank-god you’re wandering doesn’t cost for your life as Hangman tree is just a fantasy tree popular in the literature of Dungeons and Dragons. Hangman tree resembles deciduous oak-tree and is known to inhabit mainly in the temperate regions but existence can include sub-tropical areas as well. Their noose-like vines drooping from their branches appears much like a hanging rope. Hangman trees are believed to be intelligent, extremely patient and conscious creatures. They feed on humans and probably on other large creatures to supplement their high protein diet. In order to do so, they show a unique adaptation. They give out a strong hallucinatory perfume like odor which attracts the nearby humans. The victim then mi...