Tree of Souls

Tree of Souls
The Tree of Souls is a giant tree that forms the closest spiritual means for a humanoid species called Na’vi to connect to their deity namely Eywa. Na’vi inhabit Pandora, one of many moons of the gas giant called Polyphemus in the Alpha Centauri A system, far away from the Earth but makes the closest star system to our own Sun.

Pandora’s rich bio-diversity, including the Tree of Souls, which forms a centre around which the Na'vi life revolve, makes it much an Earth-like moon. But humans have much bigger reason to colonize Pandora; their intention is to mine a precious mineral called Unobtanium, a room temperature superconductor, housed in an enormous amount below the Tree of Souls and under other home trees. As with a matter of greed, the humans, in the process of mining the Unobtanium, threatens the life and habitat of Omaticaya and Tipani, Na’vi clan which lives on these massive trees called Hometrees.

The Tree of Souls, as portrayed in the movie Avatar, is located in the tropical rain forests of Pandora, around the floating mountains of Hallelujah.

Eywa is believed to interact directly to the ecosystem and more importantly to the spirituality of Na’vi clan by producing seeds called Woodsprites, which Na'vis considered as pure and sacred spirits. The tree creates an opportunity for Na'vi tribes to make a direct, neural connection with plants, trees and other creatures on Pandora through an organ protruding from the head of Na'vi clans which they connect with the roots of the Tree of Souls. This ultimately creates integrity among Na'vis.

The hometrees, in an attempt to progress in mining, are destroyed by humans making Na'vi clans to flee and hide in the Tree of Souls. But Na'vis overcomes the last move of humans of destroying the Tree of Souls by creating an army of Na'vis and Pandora's wildlife, defeating them and expelling them from Pandora.

The tree of Souls or Avatar tree, is a giant tree that serve as a closest means for the Na'vi people of Pandora to connect to their deity namely Eywa.


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